
General terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to the entire offer of Dog Instincts GmbH. The terms and conditions of the participant or third parties are not effective unless we expressly agree to them. The terms and conditions are a regulatory part of the registration or the verbal appointment. By registering online or by the verbally agreeing to a training session, you accept the following terms and conditions.

1. DOG

The customer must assure us that the dog has no contagious diseases. If we suspect a contagious disease, we are entitled to exclude the dog from training.

We must also be informed of any other illnesses, including chronic ones, before the start of training.

The course management must be notified of bitches in heat. They will decide whether the dog can participate or must be excluded.

All dogs must be chipped and free of parasites.

It is the responsibility of each dog handler to comply with the legal requirements of the cantons or federal states laws (TschG, Dog Law, Dog Regulations, regulations on list dogs, etc.). You are obliged to get any necessary permits and to be informed about restrictions.


The dog owner is obligated to provide us with information openly, honestly and in good faith. If we determine a violation, we are entitled to immediately discontinue the training.

Should we also suspect that the dog is not being kept in a manner appropriate to its species, we will immediately take the necessary steps and inform the relevant authorities. By inappropriate keeping of the dog, we mean, for example, health-threatening malnutrition or overfeeding of the dog, suspicion of use in dog fighting, animal hording, etc. The following also lead to exclusion: grossly negligent and/or animal-welfare-violating behavior, use of force against the dog, etc.

We reserve the right to discontinue the courses, lessons or seminars at our own descretion if important information is withheld or the instructions of the instructor are not followed. In all cases, there will be no refund of fees.


The training is based on the client's needs and the dog's state of health, disposition and abilities. The client is expressly advised that the methods learned can only be successful if consistently implemented outside of training. Success depends primarily on the dog handler. No guarantee of success is given.

In general, a dog leash is mandatory. Exceptions will be communicated by the course instructor.

We expressly point out that the four-legged friend's leftovers must be picked up and disposed correctly.


The contract is concluded when the appointment is made. The appointment can be made by online booking, telephone, email or in person.

Prerequisites for participation:

Participants must be at least 18 years old. Minors require a declaration of consent from their legal guardian. Third parties walking the dog require a declaration of consent from the dog owner.


For seminars, at least 7 days before the start of the course; for private lessons, 3 days before the appointment. In case of late cancellation or no-show, the lesson will be charged in full.

Course absences must be reported at least 24 hours before the lesson.


Dog.Instincts GmbH reserves the right to postpone or cancel courses. If a course is canceled, the course fees will be refunded in full.


Participation is entirely at your own risk. It is the responsibility of the participant to have valid liability and/or accident insurance. We do not take any responsibility for personal injury or property damage resulting from the application of our methods, unless there is gross negligence or intent. The customer alone is responsible for themselves and their dog, even if they are acting at our instruction.

Accompanying persons must be informed of the existing disclaimer by the participants.


Participants agree that photos and/or videos and/or sound recordings taken during a workshop, individual training session or course in which they and their dog can be seen or heard may be published by Dog.Instincts GmbH. Of course, your name will not be given.

The images are used for the following purposes: Dog.Instincts GmbH homepage, all social media channels such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook etc.

You will not receive any payment for the publication of the images or films.

You can withdraw or restrict your permission to publish and use photos/videos & sound recordings with you at any time. Otherwise, the consent is valid for an unlimited period.


We exclude any liability for damages, unless damages are caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct. The same applies to breach of contract by a legal representative or agent.


Amendments or supplements to the contract must be in written form. Should individual conditions of these terms and conditions be invalid or void, the validity of the remaining conditions shall remain unaffected.

Boarding agreement - dog care contract

The following terms and conditions apply to the entire boarding offer from Dog.Instincts GmbH. The terms of the agreement are a regulatory part of the registration. By registering, you accept the following conditions.

1. A boarding contract is concluded between the pet owner of the animal in care and Dog.Instincts GmbH. The conditions listed here are part of every boarding contract. Before concluding the boarding contract, Dog.Instincts GmbH explicitly refers each pet owner to the “General Terms and Conditions”. Each pet owner who concludes a boarding contract with Dog.Instincts GmbH agrees to the validity of the conditions listed here.

Dog.Instincts GmbH guarantees that every animal in care will receive species-appropriate treatment, plenty of exercise, care, food, any necessary medication, and affection during its stay.

The pet owner will be notified by Dog.Instincts GmbH if his or her pet experiences health or psychological problems or shows signs of acclimatization problems that exceed the usual level. The pet owner agrees to provide Dog.Instincts GmbH with his or her whereabouts or a cell phone number during the care period so that Dog.Instincts GmbH can reach the pet owner immediately. A telephone number of persons who can take care of the animal and make decisions in the absence of the dog owner must also be provided.

2. Before signing the contract, the pet owner had the opportunity to inspect the company property and the structural facilities in which the dog is accommodated during a viewing and

"meet & greet" appointment. The pet owner agrees to the type and nature of the facilities.

3. Dogs must be kept on a lead when entering the company property. In principle, the company property may only be entered when requested to do so.

4. The pet owner is aware that the dogs are generally kept in groups and not in individual kennels. The details and risks of this form of keeping are explained to the pet owner before the contract was signed or are self-explanatory.

5. The dog owner expressly agrees to this form of keeping. The dog owner declares that he is aware of the risks of a dog fight among the dogs and accepts them and that he will bear the possible costs of veterinary treatment of his dog himself.

Dog.Instincts GmbH reserves the right to provide single accommodation in the event of incompatibility between dogs or aggressive and/or fearful behavior on the part of the dog. In this case, the dog owner concerned will be informed immediately by Dog.Instincts GmbH and must pick up the dog or have it picked up by an authorized person immediately at the request of Dog.Instincts GmbH. Otherwise, there is the option of including the dog in the Board & Train program for an additional charge.

6. Dog.Instincts GmbH confirms that it has public liability insurance.

7. Dog.Instincts GmbH is liable for property damage and damage to the dogs in its care only to the extent that this damage is due to negligence on the part of Dog.Instincts GmbH or its legal representatives or agents. Dog.Instincts GmbH does not assume any responsibility for items brought along (blankets, bowls, toys, etc.).

8. The pet owner confirms that a pet owner's liability insurance contract has been concluded (copy attached) and that the follow-up payments have been made so that current insurance coverage exists.

9. The pet owner confirms that his dog has been dewormed and is free of contagious diseases and parasites. The last deworming treatment must have been carried out no longer than four weeks ago. If a treatment by Dog.Instincts GmbH should become necessary, it will be done at the expense of the pet owner. If a dog is diagnosed with an infectious disease, the pet owner bears the costs for disinfection and treatment of infected boarding facility and the visiting dogs.

10. The pet owner confirms that his dog has a valid vaccination against hepatitis, parvovirus, leptospirosis, distemper, kennel cough. According to the current state of science, titer tests are also accepted.

The vaccination certificate can be viewed by Dog.Instincts GmbH. Sick dogs will not be accepted, even if the contract has already been signed by both parties. In this case, Dog.Instincts GmbH can withdraw from the contract both on the day of dropp-off and immediately if the contract is subsequently found to have been breached. The pet owner must pick up the animal immediately or have it picked up by an authorized person.

11. The pet owner agrees that in the event of emergencies and acute illnesses or injuries, the necessary treatment will be provided by a veterinarian chosen by Dog.Instincts GmbH. In this case, Dog.Instincts GmbH is expressly authorized to authorize a veterinary clinic to provide veterinary care and treatment for the animal on behalf of and at the expense of the customer. The costs are to be covered by the pet owner.

Should the dog become so seriously ill or injured that the veterinarian advises euthanasia, the owner will be notified immediately and further action will be discussed with him. If we are unable to reach the owner or representative, the decision-making authority lies with the owners of Dog.Instincts GmbH or their representatives. If nothing has been previously agreed upon verbally, we will have the animal taken to the animal carcass disposal facility. The pet owner shall bear the full costs for this as well.

12. Females in heat will not be accepted, even if the contract has already been signed by both parties. In this case, Dog.Instincts GmbH may withdraw from the contract.

13. The pet owner confirms that his dog is socialized with other dogs and does not pose a danger to people or animals.

14. The pet owner confirms that his dog is registered with Amicus. If the dog is inadequately marked during the accommodation period at Dog.Instincts GmbH / during a walk under the supervision of Dog.Instincts GmbH, during an inspection by the public order office or the police, the pet owner bears any costs incurred.

15. The pet owner confirms that all information provided in the admission form is complete and truthful. The pet owner is obliged to report any changes affecting his person or the dog that may occur after the conclusion of the contract without delay.

16. If the dog is not picked up at the agreed time or if the length of stay is extended by mutual agreement, the additional days will be charged to the pet owner. Dog.Instincts GmbH reserves the right to charge a surcharge on the daily rate if the dog is not picked up. If the dog is not picked up after three days at the latest, Dog.Instincts GmbH reserves the right to take the dog to the animal shelter. Any costs and charges under the Animal Welfare Act will be charged to the pet owner.

17. Any additional costs not listed under “Prices” (eg veterinary, medication, food, etc.) are to be paid upon pick-up of the dog.

18. Dog.Instincts GmbH is not responsible for cleaning dogs that have become dirty during the boarding period.

19. If the dog is to be boarded for several days, a boarding place is only considered reserved when the contract has been completed and approved and confirmed by Dog.Instincts GmbH.

20. Dog.Instincts GmbH may use film/photo recordings of the animal exclusively for advertising its own company.

21. The pet owner hereby irrevocably agrees to the use and utilization of the personal data transmitted by him, as far as this is necessary in the context of the contract execution.

22. Should one or more regulations of this contract be ineffective, this does not result in the ineffectiveness of the entire contract. The ineffective regulation is replaced by the legal regulation valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

23. By confirming that you have read the care contract, you also confirm that you have read and understood the contract!

24. The place of jurisdiction is Bern.

Dog drop-off and pick-up times:

07:00 - 08:00

12:00 - 13:00

17:00 - 18:00

Special pick-up and drop-off times must be arranged in advance. If this is not the case, additional fees will apply.

What should your four-legged friend bring?

  • A valid vaccination card

  • A copy of the dog liability insurance

  • A telephone number where you can be reached in an emergency

  • Another telephone number of people who can pick up your dog in an emergency

  • The food that the dog is used to and a measure of how much it gets daily.

  • Any medication with instructions for use

  • Collar/harness and leash

Additionally bookable

Food allowance

  • Small appetite: 5.00 CHF/day

  • Medium appetite: 10.00 CHF/day

  • Large appetite: 15.00 CHF/day

We will feed your dog a species-appropriate dry food (Kyli), which we are convinced of and we know the ingredients used and how it is produced. No additives are used.

Training sessions

You are welcome to book individual training sessions in addition to this. We charge CHF 132.00 per hour for this.

Board & Train

Further information and prices on request. Please contact us.

Cancellation costs


20 - 30 days before arrival: 30%

From 19 - 13 days before arrival: 50%

From 8 - 12 days before arrival: 70%

Up to 7 days before arrival: 100%


100% in advance!

You have the following payment options:

  • Cash

  • Twint on site at Dog.Instincts GmbH

We would like to point out that you cannot pay with an EC or credit card with us!


Participation is entirely at your own risk. A valid liability and/or accident insurance is the responsibility of the participant. We do not take any responsibility for personal or financial damage that may arise from the application of our methods, unless there is gross negligence or intent. The customer assumes sole liability for himself and his dog, even if he is acting at our instigation.

Accompanying persons are to be informed by the participants of the existing disclaimer.

Consent to the publication of photos and/or videos & sound recordings according to the German Art Copyright Act

Participants agree that photos and/or videos and/or sound recordings taken during a workshop, individual training session or course in which they can be seen with their dog may be published by Miss.Dog - Claudia Berger & Paw Instinct - Livia Annaheim. Of course, their name will not be given.

The images are used for the following purposes: Miss.Dog & Paw Instinct homepage, all social media channels such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook etc.

You will not receive any compensation for the publication of the images or films.

You can withdraw or restrict your consent to the publication and use of photos/videos & sound recordings with you at any time. Otherwise, the consent is valid for an unlimited period.


We exclude any liability for damages, unless damages are caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct. The same applies to breach of contract by a legal representative or agent.


Amendments or supplements to the contract must be made in writing. Should individual provisions of my terms and conditions be invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.


New Training courses available!

Puppy socialization, leash pulling

Cesar Millans - Dog Manager